Peacemakers Programs

Back To Basics (Girls 12-17 years old)
Targeting girls during their most vulnerable teenage years, Back to Basics helps prepare them for womanhood during six consecutively running weekly meetings. The girls are engaged in guided discussions, taught basic life and coping skills, and receive hands-on support as they work through difficult experiences at home, at work, and among their peer group. No two groups are alike; they flexibly meet the needs of participants (limited to 10 girls per session).
Volunteers who assist the program facilitator are all background-checked and pre-screened to ensure their sensitivity to the realities and needs of the girls. A key focus of the program is equipping young females for adult responsibilities, finding them meaningful and legitimate employment and otherwise setting them on a path to a healthy, happy life.
Straight Talk (Boys 12-18 years old)
Created for boys at risk for gang involvement and being victims of violence, Straight Talk pulls no punches in guiding participants toward self-awareness and healthy alternatives. During six consecutively running weekly sessions, participants are engaged in dialogue about what it takes to be a man, father and be successful in love and life. The curriculum includes tutoring, as needed, in reading and math, as well as hands-on training in the construction trade.
As with Back to Basics, volunteers assisting the trained facilitator are all background-checked, pre-screened to ensure their sensitivity to the realities and needs of the boys, and attend an orientation to go over program goals and the importance of constructive listening. A key focus of the program is equipping adolescent boys for adult responsibilities by increasing their employability, developing their work ethic and giving them the fundamental skills (e.g., financial planning) to act on available opportunities.​ ​Check back for 2020 session details.

M.O.M. Support Group
Filling a large gap in the social services system, the one-of-a-kind Mothers Over Murder (M.O.M.) program provides support and encouragement to women (and a few dads) who have lost loved ones to senseless acts of violence in our city. Affected parents are always warmly welcomed and, as they're ready, walked through the stages of grief in ways that only those who have “been there” can do. Women further along in the healing process also act as advocates in the community for a peaceful resolution to disputes and the rights of grieving parents to answers and justice.​
Clemmie's interview on Jill's Veranda

Three programs form the pillars of Nashville Peacemakers—two giving youth in distressed neighborhoods basic life skills and self-worth to choose peaceful alternatives to violence, and another to support mothers whose child has been victimized:
Beauty Behind Bars
Beauty Behind Bars Helps Build Hope at San Quentin.
Tiffany Love, founder and CEO of Beauty Behind Bars, joins Nashville Peacemakers CEO Clemmie Greenlee in making much-anticipated presentations at San Quentin State Prison about the realities of life "on the outside" to reduce the odds of in-prison rebellion and post-release recidivism. Beauty Behind Bars is a self-esteem ministry of the Nashville, Tennessee-based nonprofit “Once in a Wifetime,” whose mission is to help women and girls break away from mental incarceration and self-imprisonment by teaching forgiveness, accountability, and the importance of loving oneself from the inside out.